Tuesday, January 26, 2010


We have had our wii for about a year now. We played it all the time when we first got it. Then it kind of sat there for awhile gathering dust. In the past couple of months we have started to enjoy it again. I especially like wii Fit Plus. I try to work out everyday and love the variety of activities. I usually run, ride bike, do some tae kwon do, hula hoop and box. There are also yoga and strength training exercises, but I am usually pressed for time so don't get to those.

K's favorite (and Mike's too) is wii Resort. They love to play ping pong! I like the sword fighting and wake boarding. :) There are so many fun games to play--it never gets boring!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Four and a half

K is very excited about the fact that today he turned 4-1/2 years old. :) He is taking a treat to preschool tomorrow since he has a summer bday. We took ice cream cones and filled them with popcorn, cheerios (regular and chocolate) and raisins. (I got the idea from a magazine.) Last night when he was having a fit Mike told him that 4-1/2 year olds do NOT act like that. K's tearful response was, "But Daddy I'm not 4-1/2 yet!" Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh...

I'm still going strong with my exercise and eating well. Yesterday was rough due a potluck/grill-out at church. I could not resist eating one of the hot dogs Mike made and felt guilty all day, but in the past I would have had two hot dogs so I guess it wasn't so awful. According to the wii I have lost another 2 pounds so I'm happy with that! :) Searching for healthy, new recipes isn't as fun anymore though. I think I'm going to check the bookstores and library for some cookbooks.

Friday, January 22, 2010


Join me in the Virtual March for Life! How cool is this?? I am excited to join in and show that I am 100% PRO-LIFE! Let's be heard and stop the killing of innocent babies!

This reminds me of a time that I was able to be part of a pro-life gathering on this very day, many years ago. It was held at the Capital building in St. Paul. It was so amazing to see so many other people stand up and join together and support LIFE! I am strongly against abortion for any reason at all. Children are a blessing from God to be cherished and loved!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Goodbye sodium and fat!

Last week I went to the doctor for the first time in 4 years. I finally went in because I had been having difficulty getting a full breath at times and my heart just felt like it was pounding. I figured that since it had been about 7 years since I had had blood work done to check for cholesterol and diabetes it was now time!

The visit went well--the doctor was very nice. It was discovered that I have rather high blood pressure. High enough to warrant doctor's orders of 30 minutes of exercise a day, watch what I eat--less processed and canned foods, and basically lose some weight! Then they took some of my blood in order to check like a gazillion things. (I am NOT looking forward to the bill...) The lab work all came back great except for my cholesterol. The bad was a little high and the good was a little low. Again, exercise and healthy diet!

So began my lifestyle changes! I have busy been searching the internet for information regarding high blood pressure and sodium. I have found many, many awesome recipes that are healthy, low in sodium and fairly easy to make. I have been hiking and walking and regularly sweating due to wii Fit! I DO NOT want to go on blood pressure medication so I WILL follow my doctor's orders and get my weight down and make my diet more healthy. Actually, I have been doing a pretty good job of it--if I do say so myself! :) I'm not going to lie. I was quite the whiner the first day or two (and it's only been a week!). I love pizza and french fries and cake and tacos and... Apparently I have loved all those things a little too much! I am now much more aware of just how much sodium is in things--it is outrageous!! I am a label reader now. I have many more fresh fruits and veggies in my house. My snacks are low sodium and low fat. I eat with much more moderation than before. Surprisingly, it has gotten easier and I'm actually kind of enjoying searching for "homemade" ways to make things and try. I am not as tired and feel good about getting my body in shape. Mike has jumped on the bandwagon as well and keeps track of his daily calorie intake. He is such a great sport in trying new foods and recipes with me.

Here are some things we've tried in the past week...

Portobello Mushroom Burgers
Oven Baked Sweet Potato Fries
Baked Tilapia
Oven Baked Potatoes
Whole Wheat Pizza Crust with homemade sauce

Coming up in the next week I'm going to try...

Breadsticks in the bread machine
Homemade Chicken Strips with honey mustard sauce
Roasted Broccoli
Honey Dijon Balsamic Vinaigrette

One week down and so far so good! According to the wii I've lost a few pounds already, but I'm not sure that is entirely accurate. I have prayed for God's help with this because food is, sadly, a big part of my life and now I have to make it less important. He is definitely helping me and I am so happy that already my attitude is changing and I'm looking forward to a healthier, shapelier me in the next year! :)

Monday, January 11, 2010


Ever since we got back from vacation I have been much more content and at peace with my life. I've been renewed in my desire to decorate and make my house a "home". I've been smiling more and looking ahead to the future. I guess I needed two weeks away from the "real world" and a chance to appreciate what I have here in Tucson. I'm very thankful we had the opportunity to get away and enjoy time with family and friends.

Making my house a "home"...
I am in the process (slowly!) of making our office into my "Paris" room. I LOVE Paris--mostly the Eiffel Tower. So, ever since I visited there I have been collecting pictures, candles, books with the Eiffel Tower on them. Now I am finally going to get them all displayed in the office. I HATE painting so I'm trying to just pain the trim and shelves a silver color, but we'll see if I like that or not. I may end up painting at least one wall in the white room.

I also picked out a wall color for the main bathroom and now just need to get motivated to paint. I don't do ladders so I'll need Mike to get the high spots. I'm sure one of my friends would come and over paint with me too. Maybe it's not painting that I hate so much, but all the prep and clean up. I just want to open the can, put the color on the wall and be done. :)

We decided to have a "cafe/coffee" them in our kitchen and have found a few wonderful wall hangings and vases at Kirklands. (If you've never been to Kirklands drop everything and go NOW! The place is amazing!!!) Mike was able to get all the of things hung up and our kitchen is really starting to look nice!

Looking ahead to the future...
They (school) have sent the Kindergarten letter home...I have to start thinking about sending my little boy off to school ALL day, EVERYDAY in just a few short months. I am excited for K because he is always asking when he can eat lunch at school and stay all day. He will do great and is very ready, for sure...BUT am I ready?? That opens up more of an opportunity for me to work more and I'm praying God would let me know what he wants me to do. I LOVE doing my transcribing and do not want to stop with that, but is there also something else I could be doing and still be available for my family and able to volunteer and go on field trips? It's exciting and scary all together as I think about changes that are coming...

Then there is the feeling we've been having lately--the feeling that maybe God is leading us to pursue another adoption. Honestly, the funds are quite low and I don't see how we could possibly afford another adoption, but God can do anything and I know if he wants us to do this he'll make it happen. So, we are going to meet with a social worker in the near future and learn more about domestic adoption. Another exciting, yet scary opportunity we will explore! (Prayers are greatly appreciated!!)

Thursday, January 7, 2010


I love, love, love to read! There is nothing like getting taken in by a good book and forgetting everything else but the story you have been sucked into. I read all kinds of genres...mystery, historical fiction, romance, biographies, suspense...I love them all. So, I was very excited to find out I'd been chosen by houseparty.com to host another party and this time it is a party for Kristin Hannah's book "Firefly Lane". House Party sent me 12 copies of "Firefly Lane", two copies of "True Colors" and one early copy of Kristin's newest book coming out in February "Winter Garden". I have given friends copies of "Firefly Lane" to read and later in January we will meet at my house to discuss the book. The book is about two best friends and their journey through life. I'm planning an afternoon of comfort...slippers will be worn and we'll share favorite comfort foods and drinks while we talk about friendship. It should be lots of fun! (BTW, I already read "Firefly Lane" and while I was disappointed in the occasional bad language and promiscuous lifestyle of one character, the storyline was very good and I required many tissues at the end of the book.)