Friday: impromptu faculty party--so fun to spend time getting to know people even more
AM-- Marana Heritage Festival--there were things for K to play on, a train ride, craft vendors, a hayride, people practicing to perform the "Thriller" at the same time as other people across the country (maybe you saw it on your news!), a fun playground and a tour of a firetruck
PM-- Mike took K to his first football game at UA (University of Arizona). It was homecoming so they tailgated a bit and then had a great time at the game. They stayed until halftime and K apparently was quite the cheerleader! :) "U of A" "U of A" I went out with some friends for drinks and supper. We went to the Native New Yorker which was so yummy!! It was good to get out and it was especially nice to get to know my friends even better.
AM--I went on a 3.2 mile walk for Breast Cancer awareness. It was such a good time! I went with a bunch of people from church. Mike and K headed to Redeemer so Mike could teach the H.S. bible class. (We all went to church on Thursday night--in case you were wondering!) :)
PM--after long naps we headed to a park for Oktoberfest hosted by Shepherd of the Hills. Our friends, the Schmugges, invited us to come. K had a blast playing games and jumping in the castle. We had delicious food too!
I somehow managed to get some laundry done in there too. Unfortunately the rest of the house looks like a tornado went through it. K woke up at midnight on Saturday with a super stuffed nose so he is now sick. We are just relaxing at home today and hopefully his cold will go by quickly. Mike arrived at school today to find lime (used to mark the soccer field) all over the sidewalk/hallway by his classroom and down to the library. (Some kids must have gotten into the supply.) I helped him clean it up as much as possible, but it was quite a mess. So, another week begins... :)
We are thankful for a weekend where God gave us so many opportunities for family fun and fellowship with friends!
God's blessings on your week!!
Wow looks like you have a fun and busy weekend!!! Kaleb looks like he had the most fun!!!!
He is soooo cute!
Busy fun!
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