Saturday, January 31, 2009


You have to see this movie! It was really good--funny, encouraging, warm, religious, hopeful...
Mike and I both enjoyed it. We want to get the book "The Love Dare" that is used in the movie. They used the book to save their marriage. Our marriage is strong and secure since we are united in Christ, but I think every marriage can be made even stronger and love can grow even more. I think it'd be fun to have a "daily assignment"! :)

Rent the movie!!


Anonymous said...

Found your blog at Serious.Life magazine - we're also AZ transplants, but we came from West Texas (we're self-proclaimed AZ Lone Stars), so our move wasn't quite as drastic! We just love it here. Spring is gorgeous - I love it when the Palo Verdes are in bloom! And the weather we're having now - how perfect is it? But summer, well, summer's a whole 'nother story around here.

Melanie said...

I'm waiting for our library to get this movie in!

NMgal said...

We saw Fireproof with the cousins when we were in Memphis. LOVED it!! They are 18 and 20 and have been raving about it since they saw it in the theater. It really is a great movie every way you look at it! I would love to do the love dare as well.