Friday, May 21, 2010

I was selected by BzzAgent ( to receive a product from Cover Girl and then tell (bzz) other people about it! So, I'm going to bzzz to you...

I got lip gloss and eye shadow from the Cover Girl Blast line. The ShineBlast Lip Gloss is awesome! It has a specially shaped tip to help with applying the gloss. I got many compliments on how shiny my lips looked while wearing it. I will be buying some for sure! (There are 16 different colors to choose from!)

I also received some eye shadow. I don't normally wear eye shadow because for some reason it irritates my eyes, but I did try the Smoky ShadowBlast they sent me. It is soooo cool because it is in a tube so no need for a brush to apply. One end of the tube is used to apply the base color and the other end of the tube is used for liner or in the crease of your eyelid. It is super easy to put on and looks great! (You can find it anywhere Cover Girl is sold!)

So, check out the Cover Girl Blast collection today! :)

Monday, May 3, 2010

Weekly Menu--May 2

Trying a couple of new recipes this week and making some favorites too.

Monday--Whole wheat pancakes and scrambled eggs (New!)
Tuesday--Pizza Roll Ups
Wednesday--Bean Burritos (Happy Cinco de Mayo!) & salad (New!)
Thursday--Macaroni and Cheese with mixed veggies
Friday--Hungry Howies Pizza
Saturday--Party at friend's (boys on their own!)