We had a very nice Easter Sunday here in Tucson. Mike sang for all three services and I played hand bells for one. We relaxed at home while K napped, did an egg hunt for K and then had a feast at a friend's house for supper. It was a beautiful sunny day!
This past week two of my college friends came for a visit. We slept very little, laughed A LOT, explored Tucson, and then drove up to the Grand Canyon with Mike and K. It was so strange to be further north in AZ b/c it looked a lot like WI with trees all over and cooler temperatures. In fact, it snowed a few times the two days we were up there and K had a BLAST playing with it. The Grand Canyon was beautiful. We saw just a tiny portion in the 4 hours we were there. Mike really wants to hike down into it. Not me! :) We stayed overnight in Flagstaff and had a nice morning there on Friday. I am blessed with some very wonderful friends!
The next two weeks will be life as usual and then K and I are flying to the Midwest to visit my parents! We are both very excited!!! My sister and my sis-in-law and niece are going to be there too! I am very much NOT a fan of flying so I get nervous about that part, but I know it will all be fine. Grandpa promised K a visit to Chuck E. Cheese while we're there so he's looking forward to that! :)