It's been awhile--again! Our friends from Albuquerque are visiting right now and we are having a great time! K and D, their 1 yr old, are inseparable. We have gone to the zoo, Little Lambs at church and the Wildlife Museum. Tomorrow we are going to hang out at home, maybe walk to the park. K and I are sick AGAIN! Dumb colds--maybe it's allergies-who knows! But my friend, A, who is visiting has a sore throat now too. UGH!
Next week is the closing for our house in WI! Things are looking great so we are hopeful it will all go as planned! We are starting the house hunt here. It's fun!
The flowers are blooming here and it's so pretty. Each day more and more cacti are blooming and it's such an awesome sight! I will post pictures as they get more colorful. It's been warm though--high 80s. I'm not too excited about that, but it's better than snow and 30s! :)
Here are a few pictures of the past few weeks...

Planting flowers
Next week is the closing for our house in WI! Things are looking great so we are hopeful it will all go as planned! We are starting the house hunt here. It's fun!
The flowers are blooming here and it's so pretty. Each day more and more cacti are blooming and it's such an awesome sight! I will post pictures as they get more colorful. It's been warm though--high 80s. I'm not too excited about that, but it's better than snow and 30s! :)
Here are a few pictures of the past few weeks...
Planting flowers